its become stronger now,
what started off as a whisper in the farr side of my brain has become a loud cry.
ive started to mouth the words and silently spill it out, as if im technically not lying cause no one hopefully can hear me say it.
sadly, i know this is a lie and what im doing isnt right.
but i cant help it, I long to be able to just scream it out to EVeryone! Just SHOUT and not care whos listening, i dream of it, always thinking about it.. But now i actually Spoke it.. theres always a moment where its needed,, where it can cover a million different areas.. Its such a powerful thing! its such a Thrill its just what i need to get my point across.. i want to do it more as if its my new shiny toy. the more i think about it the more appealing it is...
its now spilling out of my mouth on so many occasions as if its neverending Word Vomit.. i dont know how much longer i can stay without this for.. i dont know how to not let it take over like a Flame to paper its spreading more and more with each minute..
but i must come up with a way..
before these meaningless words take over and win...