Sunday, November 28, 2010

where is This World Heading??..

while my sister talks about wedding plans and seating positions, where the groom will stand and the brides maids walk, i am sitting here oblivious to it all„ smelling my newly bought books :)
Frankie Magazines sit on my table ready to be read, thought about, reworded, and re blogged. it tells of love, happiness, inspiration to be a better person it doesn’t have favorite sex positions. no Naked sex in ball pits. Just good old Truth..

Most of this world isnt like that anymore. the dirtier the better. the sadder this world gets so do the people, children as young as nine are looking at porn, having breakdowns and losing their loves..
how do these once innocent children that had such big imaginations get into the most horrible positions??
where were the parents, their loved ones? No one was there to help them stop it from turning it into a full blown addiction.. why are Girls as young as six having boyfriends and touching their bits??
most Girls i talk to tell me its because they were promised forever, so its perfectly normal to do these things.. only three weeks later to find out they broke up and now moved on to somebody better.. it seems as if we have someone say “Hi” and “forever” in a sentence and all of a sudden we drop all our self control and dignity for them… not even thinking about the consequences,..
where are we heading in this crazy mixed up life?? will we ever stop and bring back imagination??
only we can make this world a better life..



Saturday, November 13, 2010


so many paths to choose in life, do i stay there or go somewhere else? i don't want to go on but i don't want to leave such a beautiful happy place, flourishing with life, an earthly paradise, keeping out the cold dead world. theres so many people, so many listeners, i feel so wanted, so loved and so happy. how do i leave a place that makes me feel so peaceful?

i need to go for it ll turn poison. i must find another paradise i cant give in to reason. if not no one will ever understand me, the more i spend there, the more I'm consumed, so much different speech and sayings that this outside world just doesn't comprehend... i cant be alone in this cold life, when I'm not near you..
Its getting worse as the time goes on, i may have grown, but outside Ive shrunk, and ill keep shrinking, i don't want to go but i need people to hear me.
I'm so scared of my proposed commitment, so many doubts so many denials. so many things that i just cant handle. what if i make the wrong decision?? but what if i stay and regret it??

i just don't want to be the bad child no one understands

Friday, November 12, 2010


I guess its all the same fairytale story : girl find guy, girl falls head over heals for guy, girl and guy get together, girl and guy get married and live happily ever after.
sadly, this isn’t true in this world and as i see all around me everyone is unhappy, broken up, annoyed and just plain wondering if this was the right decision..
personally i believe when you’re in love with someone the feeling is so strong, its that strong that you feel it coursing through youre bones, you know its right and no one else makes you have this wonderful feeling.. you treat each other with the utmost respect, never bitter or angry all the time towards the other person, able to talk about your problems and fix them together, set goals together and just love each other even after 5 years..
so many people wonder if they made the right decision, and i believe if you have any doubts or questions, wondering if this is right, then it isn’t, why would you think these things if you know their the one??
i don’t understand why people go with each other if they know its not right, if there jiminy Cricket is chirping in the back of your mind, you should follow it. its chirping for a reason. don’t ever believe that you’ll find no one else, because there is more then one million people on the face of this earth. no matter what anyone tells you..
believe in yourself, and know that your gut feeling is always right. dont let anyone make you feel bad so you will stay with them..
Good luck