i find alot of people say they cant,,,
they cant do this, they cant change jobs, they cant change their lifestyle, they cant break up.
but thats NOT true, in life we always have a choice no matter how hard or difficult it is.
sure you might cry alot and it might be sad for a while but if its gonna better you in the future and make you happy and lovelier then do anything you can.
set goals to reach it.
the only thing in life that matters is your happiness, always try to find it keep it, let it come naturally, life is a journey we mustn't spend our whole life searching for 'peace' or 'perfectness' or your destination because youll never look out the window and see all the stuff your missing on your unique journey.
there are alot of quotes and sayings and people that tell you how to be happy, but everyones happiness is different, you cant be happy unless you make your WHOLE heart and Mind believe it too..
It STArts with you :)
we always have a choice, we have a choice in what we do, how we do it and what we'll do in our future, we should never follow someone elses footsteps because your's is just right for you..
even if people bring you down and tell you you cant make it and you wont succeed, odds are you will and their jealous.
PROVE them Wrong.
Prove your right.
SPread happiness
WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥
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