Saturday, June 19, 2010


Dear my Followers..
i was watching a movie tonight and it was ofcourse about love.
but have you realised that LOVE isnt what it used to be , its not as promising or important
its overly used, its widely miss-used and not many people fall in LOVE they have 'infatuation'.
but how do we really know that its love??
or if its simply hormones making us feel great?
and why does it wear off?
no matter how much you try to avoid it love is always around, its always with you and your always going to love something..
and thats really brilliant, believing in something that you dont know the outcome even though its scary but its Brave and its wonderful and itll take you to places that you never knew were there.
give Love a chance ( even though its crazy and messed up)
never let anyone make you feel like its no use loving something in this world..
love whatever you want to , even if your friends say not to. love the people that you want to not the ones that supposedly "look right"...
trust in something that you normaly wouldnt.. you never know it might take you to places that you never thought of :)
always remembering to love yourself and others :)
i know youve been told these things before but really ,, REALLy think about it,,, we dont say it because we want to be lame and quotish.. we say it because its true, and when in action can make your life so much better.. and funner hehe
Spread Love
WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

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