Monday, June 21, 2010


I went out today with my Cousin and had so much fun,
she is such a brilliant child, i love how there so alive and use the imagination, and they can get what they want whenever they want it..
i think as older people we forget to see the things children see ,, or do things children do,
they are brilliant creatures they admire the things we have long forgotten and put into 'the oh yeh the awesomenes has worn off ' pile.
but they dont ,, seriously if you put a cardboard box infront of them theyd find something to do with it,, when older people would Get angry and be like ' is that all there is ?''

but the point im trying to make is,,
we should wake up and smeelll the coffee,, and Look and admire things we have forgotten,,
we take so many things for granted,, so each day make a list of everything we take forgranted..
youll aprreaciate so many more things then before :)

SPread loveliness My fellow Bloggers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Love me?..

'there i was left standing,, All Alone. '
my chance is gone,, its too late,, Whyd they have to go?? why didnt i just tell them!
i believe that happiness is within a person and in the end we can only trust ourselves. but sometimes i get so lonely, i just want someone to come home to, i wanna be able to Love and be Loved i wanna know that im not some kind of monster,, im actually a lovely Human being...
why is it so hard to find someone?? is it true that theres some Knight (girl or guy) in shining Armor coming to save us? or are we just desperate and lying to ourselves??
why is it that we have a list of what we want in a person but yet when someone comes along we drop it all and 'settle' for them cause they showed interest?...
Why are we so involved in being inlove.,,, why is it the most important thing in ones life??
so many questions , its all racing through my head..
i Dunno what to do and how to go on..
but even though it hurts right now i know that the world is amazing and yous should all believe in love and life,, but before you make a choice again,, really consider if its right, use your Head then your heart cause our heart is desperate and the heads always right...
thankyou :)

Spread Love,,

WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

Saturday, June 19, 2010


This blog today is towards people..

People are Amazing, people are brilliant , happy and inspiring ..
they warm my heart they build my life and they make me want to live..
but some People some 'square' people, they hurt my feelings.
they hurt everything i stand for, there negative there party poopers.
i keep wondering to myself, = how does someone get like this? how do they not see the world and see the most amazing things?? and how can anyone really hate humans Or really hate Everything??
i dont understand it,,, they keep misssing all the wonderful open doors of happy bright things that would help their lives and their futures.
so im here today to tell people,,, LIke scream it out from the highest building
that life is wonderful and yeh you might get down and angry but there is no need to close up.
you mightn't have the wonderfulest life. but think about all the wonderful things you have..

People do Love you.. You are loved. just Open your eyes and your mind and youll see it..

Where has your life Gotten you???
what have you got to lose?

try it,, Smile and Love,, Open your mind to everything wonderful

Spread Loveliness my Dear readers..

WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥


Dear my Followers..
i was watching a movie tonight and it was ofcourse about love.
but have you realised that LOVE isnt what it used to be , its not as promising or important
its overly used, its widely miss-used and not many people fall in LOVE they have 'infatuation'.
but how do we really know that its love??
or if its simply hormones making us feel great?
and why does it wear off?
no matter how much you try to avoid it love is always around, its always with you and your always going to love something..
and thats really brilliant, believing in something that you dont know the outcome even though its scary but its Brave and its wonderful and itll take you to places that you never knew were there.
give Love a chance ( even though its crazy and messed up)
never let anyone make you feel like its no use loving something in this world..
love whatever you want to , even if your friends say not to. love the people that you want to not the ones that supposedly "look right"...
trust in something that you normaly wouldnt.. you never know it might take you to places that you never thought of :)
always remembering to love yourself and others :)
i know youve been told these things before but really ,, REALLy think about it,,, we dont say it because we want to be lame and quotish.. we say it because its true, and when in action can make your life so much better.. and funner hehe
Spread Love
WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

Friday, June 18, 2010


Dear fellow Bloggers :)
i hope your having a wonderful Weekend, blogging , reading and going out doors cause this Sun is freaking amaazzzingg :)

back to why im here lol
Backstabbers..... have you ever wondered about this? most of us have, Kesha has sung about it Heck most people no matter what Gender, orientation and race have.. (were all united:])
i was thinking about how much i hate when people talk about you behind your back or when you find out something that wasnt true because your best friend lied to you and you got the truth from some 'random' that you dont even know!
but really i can go on and on about how much i hate it when people do that, truth is though i do it too.
everyone does, people talk about you one minute and be your bestfriend the next minute. Not because they hate you but because thats what Us humans do. (not including general meanies lol).
SO im here to change this,, and myself for a better future,
instead of saying something negative with another negative, team it with something positive.
e.g - she is a bit crazy but i love her anyways :)...
people are beautiful, we all get angry and say things we dont mean, but if we can give happy positive comments about people we will feel better and make the other person feel better to :)
SPREAD loveliness :)

everyone have a happy Day

WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

When people say cant...

i find alot of people say they cant,,,
they cant do this, they cant change jobs, they cant change their lifestyle, they cant break up.
but thats NOT true, in life we always have a choice no matter how hard or difficult it is.
sure you might cry alot and it might be sad for a while but if its gonna better you in the future and make you happy and lovelier then do anything you can.
set goals to reach it.
the only thing in life that matters is your happiness, always try to find it keep it, let it come naturally, life is a journey we mustn't spend our whole life searching for 'peace' or 'perfectness' or your destination because youll never look out the window and see all the stuff your missing on your unique journey.
there are alot of quotes and sayings and people that tell you how to be happy, but everyones happiness is different, you cant be happy unless you make your WHOLE heart and Mind believe it too..
It STArts with you :)
we always have a choice, we have a choice in what we do, how we do it and what we'll do in our future, we should never follow someone elses footsteps because your's is just right for you..
even if people bring you down and tell you you cant make it and you wont succeed, odds are you will and their jealous.
PROVE them Wrong.
Prove your right.
SPread happiness
WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

People are amazing; good Byes make me Cry

Today i was talking with My class about how amazing people are and how they make the world A better place.
I know that the effects of people on this world have totally ruined it, but think about the wonderful things that people have done to add to the world?
how amazing and happy people can be, how they make you laugh, grow and experience new things.
its Great Finding wonderful people in this crazy mixed up planet, ones that would help you without wanting anything in return, ones that would be there with soup and tissues when your sick... and Then you ofcourse inturn do the same..
hold on to these wonderful lovely people, and when they leave its okay to cry cause there amazing adding so much wonderfulness to your life,
remember their dreams in life are important, so make sure you leave room for them to..
Always Remember to SMile and SPread Loveliness
WiTh Lv..
JuLie ♥

Thursday, June 17, 2010

were all curious..

Everyone always has an opinion that they believe, some may be all for it, some may hate it with a passion..
Our Love status shouldnt matter, whether were gay or straight or dont like both or somehow were not sure and were hanging around hoping well find out what we are.
Are we really born Gay or do we think about it enough that a thought catches fire in our minds and then it grows into a lifestyle? although i was never aware that babies knew who they were gonna Snog,, or do they??
Theres so many Questions into this delicate conversation, but i really dont understand how some can be friends with one kind and not the other,, we are all people living all together in this world yeh??

most of us,, even those people that hate Gay people are curious, what would it be like? how could they seriously do that? but have you ever thought for a second about it? i think we all have,,, and sometimes you might be jealous cause that person stopped living in denial and excepted it and is now living pretty happy.
are you the one that meets a Gay person and practically falls on top of them hoping theyll see through your sad attempts of trying to make them think your definatly straight hoping theyll save you the torture and make there moves??
I dont mean for everyone to turn gay because i think most people do so somehow they can be accepted and in the 'group', i know one person that turned Bi just so she could fit in,, (and in this world we must be unique and ourselves, its what makes life wonderful..).. so whoever you are and what ever you believe ,, love it , embrace it, share it but never force it .. hehe
spread LOVE!
