Thursday, July 15, 2010

why Swear words are bad...??

Ive Have been wondering about this for a very long time..
Why are swear words bad?
why are they swear words?
who made them up?? Why did they??
and Why is there such a word called Swear? who put the thought into peoples mind to say swear words,,,
was someone just so bored they had to think up some naughty words so somehow he could get enough people to believe it then spread it and after a while it would be global?
But really why are they bad,, what if People said ''Hello' was a swear word,, would we never say it again??
how would we know if it was a lie? and really aren't all words just words?
Like the word 'gay' in the beginning it was explained as happy,
now its a word for someones orientation.... what is this world thinking?? why did they let that word become bad in the first place?
but really if they are just words,, why are we soo offended at them , when any other 'normal word' can offend us like - Stupid, Idiot, or moron.
they are pretty offending but apparently not swear words...
What do you think???
JuLie ♥

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